Saturday, July 4, 2009

Of Racism...

What triggered this post is a comment saying that even though what is happening to Indians in Australia is bad, one must also not forget how racist we Indians are. To exemplify this, an article by a lead journo of one of the most popular newspapers in India was quoted. This gentleman in turn goes on to talk about the racism prevalent in Indian blood, of how we prefer fair skinned humans to dark ones, how an archaic Indian word for an African is 'hubshi' et cetera.

Not just this, I was reading the comments people have put under the article, saying that the journo is right, that we are in fact the most racist nation so much so that one of them actually goes on to say that we as Indians deserve it. Amidst this deluge, one tiny comment is that of an Indian actually staying in Australia - who seems to be mortally afraid and pretty terrorized by it. And that in essence sums up the whole issue. Mr. Top Journo has missed the whole point.

Yes, it is good to introspect. And as responsible citizens of the country, it is an essential duty for each one of us. But one cannot keep on applying reverse logic everywhere. Its like saying that we don't have 100% literacy. But the administrative set up is not up to the mark, there is widespread corruption and so the projects do not get implemented well enough. And hence, we deserve it.

C'mon people! Those students in Australia are being singled out and bashed, for having done absolutely nothing to trigger it - let alone doing anything wrong. What kind of justice is that anyway? And what has that got to do with we deserving it because a certain section of our society thinks in a racist manner? Rotten apples exist everywhere. And they would face there end in good time.

But there's blood being shed - simple! And it is unreasonable. Is it so very hard to understand? Its just plain hooliganism. And hooliganism on the part of a certain section of the society over there. Wrong! Pooh poo Mr. Top Journo!

As far as Indians being racist are concerned, well there was open aparthied once in South Africa. Open slavery once in your most developed Uncle Sam's land. And yet Mandela came and created a difference. And now Obama has come. Things change. Things will change. So would the mindsets.

What we need is action, and not pointless cribbing and crying out loud! If you think something's wrong, go mend it. It is at the end of the day, your nation too. Do something, willya?

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